Asking For More Podcast Episode 1: Asking for More for Fundraisers

Welcome to the Asking for More podcast! In these times, we must not sink beneath despair, but learn how to ask for more, from our bosses, clients, and systems. If you are wondering how to get started, take a listen to this episode where we talk to nonprofit fundraisers about how to negotiate your salary for a new job or current job.

What you’ll find in this 15 minute episode:

– Why fundraisers should ask for more now

– Exact script to ask for a raise in your annual review time

– Word for word scripts in how to push back so you don’t have to name a number first in salary negotiations for a new fundraising job.

Have you noticed the rising costs of… well, everything? According to Bloomberg, in February we’ve had 8% inflation, contributing to rent rising, grocery and gas costs rising. Add that to women getting paid less across the board in every sector, with oppressed women making even less, asking for more can mean the difference between the ability to retire, and being forced to keep working for the rest of your life.  It’s more important than ever for you to ask for more NOW.  In the last two years, I’ve been training and working with fundraisers and consultants to help us ask for more. And now I’ve made a whole new podcast, and it’s all about helping you ask for more. You can listen on Apple, Spotify, or just on my website!

You should definitely subscribe, because in the next 2 episodes, we’ll cover asking for more for consultants, and asking for more exercises that you can use to re-train your brain to get unstuck and start to get the salary or rate that you deserve. These are the exact tools I teach my clients in my Asking for More Mastermind. Helping women ask for more feels like the work I was born to do. Thank you for listening. Let me know what you think!

Asking for More Podcast Transcript:

Hey, this is Mazarine. Welcome to the Asking For More Podcasts. Why am I an expert in this? Because since 2009, I have helped people ask for more in the nonprofit sector, in the for-profit sector, in governments and in their businesses and lives. 

So in this time I’ve helped people ask for millions more dollars in funding. I’ve asked for people, how people asked for higher salaries for raises. I’ve helped them ask for more money than they’ve ever asked for before in their salary negotiations at a new job, as well as helping people who are consultants ask higher rates, basically. So it’s been such a fun journey. And if you wanna see testimonials and things that I’ve done for folks, feel free to go to And I’ll be a link in the show notes for that as well. But essentially that’s why you should listen to me because I have successfully raised my rates significantly as well as helped other people do the same.

And, if we’re gonna be surviving this time with all this inflation and all this uncertainty, you definitely wanna be asking for more. So today, what we’re gonna be talking about is asking for more as a fundraiser. Why am I an expert in that? Because for the last 12 years, I’ve helped people in fundraising and not just help them with asking for more from donors, but asking for more from their bosses. So if you’re a fundraiser looking to get a salary increase, there’s some good news and some bad news. I have done four career conferences about fundraising, as well as written a book about it and now doing a whole podcast about just asking. And what I’ve seen is that over the years, when people do not value your work in an organization, they’re going to continue to evaluate it, even if you do ask for more.

So your best bet is to try to get more in a new job, more than getting what you really deserve in this job. Because if they’ve been underpaying you for years, they’re probably gonna keep underpaying. You let’s be honest. So, but if you wanna try before you jump ship, I don’t blame you.  I’m putting together a career conference in March, 2022. So if you’d like to come to that, please do it’s March 25th and 26th. 

You go to career You can see more about that, and it would be so fun to have you there. We’re not gonna be talking about asking for more. We’re gonna be talking about structured of power and how people can be more compassionate managers and keep their good folks as well. So there’s a lot there to unpack, and I don’t wanna make this all about my conference. We can say that for another podcast episode. But I’ve got some incredible speakers that are really, really excited for you to learn from. It’s not just about me, it’s about them. 

So let’s start with asking for more at your fundraising job. I have done salary negotiation for years, and I’ve also done it as a presentation and helped folks get way more money and it’s, it’s really exciting to me to help you with one, one conversation, make $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 more than you’ve ever made before, because we actually lose as women so much money over the course of our lives because we don’t do this. And there have been all sorts of viral posts that have gone on recently about how recruiters are just not giving people as much as is budgeted for the role that people don’t ask for Uthe amount that they budgeted. They’ll give them way less and they’ll get away with that.

And so in some states it’s illegal to ask how much you made before coming on to a certain role in other states. You know, they’ll ask you, but you can certainly just put NA or 0, 0, 0. If they ask you for a number so that you don’t actually have to tell them, and then you can actually make way more that way, because when they ask you how much you’ve made before, that’s simply a way for them to try to low ball you in this role, they they’ll think, oh, she’ll be satisfied with 60,000. She was only making 55 before. So for you to actually get up to the 85, they budgeted for this role or the hundred 20,000, they budget this role. You have to ask, you have to do it. And so this is a little bit about salary negotiation, but it’s also a little bit about helping you step into that mindset of being worth this amount of money and being valued this much.

So I want you to think of a number, which is your ideal salary. I want you to think of that. I want you to hold it in your mind or all your bills will be paid. Not only that you’re going to be paying down debt, you’ll be able to, save for retirement and you have six months of savings. So for all that, to be true, how much money will we need to make in the next six months? Put that number out there. Think about it. Is it, you know $85,000 a year? Is it 70 a year? What is enough look like for you? Enough not in the low end, but enough, the ideal end of take. If you already know great, if you don’t, now’s a good time to think about it. I know money can be triggering for folks to oftentimes relationship to money is about our relationship to fear.

So if you’re afraid to even look at your bank account and think, oh no, I can’t pay my bills. Oh, I just don’t wanna see all this money going out. I totally get that. So just really try to attempt to start to think about grea, well, I’ve never made $85,000. Let’s just say that. That’s what I want. Let’s just say that. So you’re going for a job that pays $85,000 or 90, right? How would you go about actually asking for that in a annual review or in a salary negotiation? So I want you to get your pen and pencil out and I’m going to share with you that in just a sec.

Okay. So here’s a really important thing for you to remember when you’re negotiating your fundraising salary, they need you way more than you need them. The cost of replacing you is 117% of her salary. And this is just from, you know, 2015 numbers from significant research, the book general Senator leadership goes into greater detail about this. These are the actual numbers. It’s not just about how much you’re asking for it’s about how long the position has been vacant. How long will train you up, how long it and other people’s, you know, this, you know, vacation, payout, all this stuff. This is one of the biggest costs to an organization when somebody leaves. So it’s in your best, their best interest to keep you and your best interest to negotiate. If you wanna see this organization succeed, there’ll be a productivity gap for you. They will, there will you know, probably more than a month of this job being vacant. 

There will be all of these things that will make them really wanna hold onto you. If they’re smart and if they keep having these turnover costs, they’re gonna, it’s gonna cost them over $600,000 over the courts of three years. So again, um, they really, really need to keep you, and if they do, you’ll raise them way, way, way more money. So what are the exact scripts that you could use to negotiate a raise where you are right now? 

Here’s what you can say.

Thank you for taking the time to talk me today. I really enjoy being part of our team and I appreciate your coaching and helping me be a strong leader. I’m especially proud of the role I’ve played in helping you exceed the fundraising goals for the archives project, which is high priority for the college. For example, you could say, right, I’d like to talk with you today about my increasing role and responsibilities within the team and how that is reflected in my salary. 

According to my research market rate for a major gift officer with my education experience  and demonstrated skil lset in Toronto is the $65,000 to seven, 2000 a year. I like to be considered for a raise will bring me within that range. So currently you’re a member of the major gifts team and you’re making $52,000. So now you do that for you, think about where you are currently and how much you’re making, and then look at what people are paying and ask to be put in within that range. Where do you find this information? You can go to You can go to A lot of folks just posting their salary everywhere these days. So definitely look and see if you can find the person that had previously had the job, go back and ask them, how much were you making? They can tell you no one is going to stop them from telling you.

You can also ask your other folks about how that works. So ask people in your office, how much are you making, ask the men, ask the women, ask everybody. So once you’ve got that and they say, oh, that’s really more than we have within our budget. Here’s how you respond to that. That’s not the end of the conversation. That’s the beginning of the conversation. So you say arms technique, agree. I totally get that, reframe. At the end of the day, what we’re really talking about is an investment, an investment in your fundraising program. I will raise you more money. If you let me make more money, make the case. When we look at why people leave organizations, the vast majority of them leave because the salary wasn’t high enough and it does cost 117% of my salary to replace me. So when you look at the experience I bring to the table, I’m easily worth the 15 paid difference and silence. That’s arms agree, reframe, make the case shut up. That’s it. So that’s how you negotiate a raise at your organization. What if you’re negotiating at a new job, how would that work? What would you do?

You can ask them first to name, if they’re willing to pay. And then you can ask is that all there is for example, and so much more, so they should name a number first and you should have this in your back pocket. How much? For example, a development director is averagely paid in San Francisco. This is not from this year. So definitely check out for that, but looks like $133,000 is the average. So if they’re trying to pay you less than that, be like, no, I think the average is kind of what I deserve. And then they say, what are your salary requirements? You say, what’s the range we’re talking about here. They say, what are your salary requirements? You say, get me and more information about the growth potential of this job and get back to me. We’ll go from there. Or you can say, I’d prefer not to reveal that. They say, what are your requirements? You say, why don’t you tell me a little more about the salary possibilities for this job?

And they say, if you were to receive a job offer from us, would you accept it? You say, well, I’m very interested in the job and the organization. It depends on the offer. I’d be glad to respond to a specific offer. And they say, what would it take for you to accept this job? We’re really trying to get you a name number. And you say, if your offer is fair, I’m sure we can reach an agreement or I’ll consider any reasonable offer. Or my research tells me that some of my skills education call doing the job or in between blank and blank. What is your offer?

If you remember, that’s too low, you could say, is that for three days of work or you say, is this a base? Are there other benefits, like a gym membership or you say, is that all there is? So those are some of the things to think about when you’re asking for more in a job offer or in a salary negotiation to get a raise. I hope this was helpful. I really wanna help you ask for more. 

So I have years and years of experience doing this lots of testimonials from folks showing that I can help you do this. So if you want to have a conversation where you make $20,000 more and you’re making right now, definitely contact me. My contact info is there and go to If you’re listening to this online and book a call, let’s see what we can do for you right now.

We’re having the talent war. People are changing jobs all the time. This is the best time for you to ask. This is the best time for you to get what you want. This is the time when workers have way more power than they’ve had before and our power is growing. So I really hope to see you at the career conference. And if you’re listening to this after it’s over, I hope you get the recordings, but in the meantime, feel free to give me a call and let’s talk about how we can help you get more in your next fundraising job. 

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